Riding Conditions: Extreme Headwinds, Rugged Terrain
Threat of becoming part of the food chain
Woke this morning feeling somewhat better, but still wanting one more day of easy riding to recover. Neal rode on ahead while I set an easy pace along an access rode next to Interstate 10. At a truck stop 20 miles East of Van Horn I met Matt Perdie. (see picture below) Matt is a 24 year old Long Islander who set out on June 22 of last year to walk across America. He is raising awareness of the evils of big Government and Government waste. A member of the Tea Party, he just "got fed up" and decided to do something about it, thus the walk which has now consumed over 10 months. He started off walking South along the 95 and met Sarah Palin at a book signing in Mobile before heading West along the 20 and then the 10. His ultimate destination is Santa Monica and hopes to get there by the 4th of July. Oh the idealism of youth! I told him that I would link his site on the blog so here goes: http://www.perdie.com/.
The first 40 miles were smooth sailing with a nice tailwind, with easy pedalling while enjoying some classic rock songs on my Thumps. Thoroughly enjoying myself. I thought that is the first 40 miles portended the rest of the ride, I would be in Ft. Davis by mid afternoon. The route had me turn away from I 10 and head South into mountainous terrain. I stopped at a little store at the junction a little before noon, checked my food and fluids and decided I had enough to get to the McDonald Observatory 40 miles due South before they closed at 5. About 1/2 mile down the road I got a clearer picture of the terrain and the strength of the headwinds and headed back to -stock up on some additional fluids. When I told the woman that I was headed to Ft. Davis she asked me how long it takes me to ride 60 miles. I told her about 3 1/2 hours if it's flat and she just burst into hysterical laughter. 3 hours later I had gone exactly 20 miles and I got the joke. I finally made it to the McDonald Observatory just after 5 but "Sergie" the astronomer took pity on me, let me in and filled my bottles.
Matt Perdie exhausted after walking across America for 10 months! I am starting to look like a French Fry.
Heading into the Texas Mountain Trail.
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